About this guide

XSCALE Alliance is a learning ecosystem of independent coaches and consultancies de-scaling agile organizations through practices derived from

  • Hiawatha’s Great Law of Peace
  • Rikyu’s Mu Hin Shu
  • Goldratt’s Throughput Accounting
  • Holmgren’s Permaculture
  • Stack’s Open Book Management
  • and Beck’s Extreme Programming

Like Linux, we use open source licensing to collaborate on coaching and training material for pattern languages – not frameworks – for Business Agility, Product Management and DevOps.

We’re not like the big training frameworks. We’re coaches, not trainers, using XSCALE ourselves to collaborate on engagements, collateral and tools.

This guide is one of the results of such a collaboration. In it, we collected patterns and practices that were most useful to us.

We hope this guide will help you to build self-directing portfolios of self-managing streams of self-organizing teams of your existing staff.

We hope this guide will help you to run a self-propagating transformation. Build a slender but uncompromised capability, then grow it.

So that your organization can be like pods of dolphins, not dancing elephants.


Your friends from the XSCALE Alliance