XSCALE Alliance has agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with Agile Business Consortium:
This memorandum of understanding between XSCALE Alliance (“XA”) and the Agile Business Consortium (“ABC”) expresses an alignment and convergence of will between the two. It represents a treaty for the mutual benefit of the members of both communities.
ABC is an organization promoting the growth of communities working to advance the state of the art in Business Agility. It now recognises XSCALE Alliance as another such community.
XSCALE Alliance is a principled ecosystem of independent agile service providers who develop, share, coach and train agile practice-pattern languages including Exponential Business Agility (“XBA”) which covers de-scaling, throughput accounting, and self-propagating transformation. It works to generate self-directing portfolios of self-managing streams of self-organizing teams.
ABC and XA have agreed that ABC and XSCALE practice patterns are interoperable, and the two organizations will work together to promote their interoperation. This work will include cross-promotion, discounts for members on training and events, and cross-linkage between each others’ knowledge bases.
In particular, ABC will extend free institutional membership to XA. XA will extend a free partnership to ABC. These arrangements entail: (4.1) 30% discount on XA Practitioner training for all individual ABC members. (4.2) 30% discount on XA Coach training for all qualified individual ABC members. (4.3) 30% discount for ABC members on tickets to XA workshops and conferences. (4.4) Individual ABC membership to the XA stewards (4.5) 30% discount on ABC membership to all XA Coaches and Practitioners
The senior members of both organizations will work to align their respective collateral to provide a consistent conceptual framework for business agility: (5.1) XA will work to integrate with ABC’s business agility taxonomy as it becomes available. (5.2) ABC will link to or integrate XSCALE content into its knowledge base under a suitable open content license”
13 Feb 2018 by Geof Ellingham and Peter Merel for XSCALE Alliance and Agile Business Consortium.
Why is this MOU important to XSCALE Alliance?
Where the DSDM practices and Framework for Business Agility respect the structures of traditional organizations, XSCALE principles and practices generate self-directing portfolios of self-managing streams of self-organizing teams. In many cases these two approaches are complementary.
So XSCALE Alliance and The Agile Business Consortium, formerly the DSDM Consortium, are also complementary. As XA and ABC are both signatories to the Agnostic Agile Oath an initiative of XSCALE Alliance Steward Adrian Lander, this MOU supports practitioners combining XSCALE and ABC practices.
XSCALE Alliance applauds the Agile Business Consortium as a global champion in promoting business agility. Represented by Arie Van Bennekum, ABC helped author the original Agile Manifesto and organizes the world's longest running Agile Business Conference.
XA and ABC also maintain MOUs of interoperation with the Business Agile Institute. While some people in the Agile Industrial Complex enjoy scrapping over frameworks, our ecosystem focuses on business throughput first, tailoring the most effective combination of practice patterns to achieve it.