XSCALE North American Tour
A simpler, faster, safer way to generate uncompromised business agility.
Continuously adapting the organization to changing market conditions by
descaling to micro-enterprises: self-organizing, self-managing, and self-directing.
Use Late-Bird Code "LATEBIRD" when booking for a $500 discount:
Practitioner Training
- Two-day no-nonsense hands-on experience of descaling practices and principles direct from XSCALE founder, Peter Merel. The North American XSCALE Coaches will be on hand to help organize learning ecosystems for practitioners and their clients and organizations.
- XSCALE Practitioner certification has no maintenance costs, experience requirements, or sunset clauses. Certification simply recognises competence to practice. Once issued, it never expires.
- We're keen to involve seasoned coaches in our ecosystem and happy to mentor new chums in conjunction with Practitioners as part of ongoing coaching relationships.